Moving pets can be a real challenge for a Man and Vans
Using Man and Van London for your move? Have you considered how you”ll be moving your pets?
Pets can be a real challenge when you’re moving house. Cats especially, since most are not big fans of change. So, here are three important tips.
1. Give your cat time to get used to his carrier by leaving it sitting out with the door open and a snug bed inside it. Put cat treats inside it. Start feeding your pet in the carrier. You may need to put the bowl just outside it at first, but you should gradually move it inside over a period of days.
2. Put out your moving boxes a couple weeks before you need to start packing so your cat has time to get used to them. If it’s nervous while you are packing, put it in a quiet room away from all the activity. Stick to your routine There’s an $80,000 income ceiling for single filers to qualify for the credit companies ($160,000 if your married filing jointly). for feeding, play and relaxation. If necessary your vet could recommend anti-anxiety medication.
3. To stop the cat making a dash for freedom during the move, close it in a bathroom with a bed, food, water and a litter box. Put a sign on the door asking the movers to keep it shut. Feed your cat a small breakfast on the big day, to reduce stomach upset. In transit, resist the urge to open your the carrier to soothe your cat. Once you arrive, ensure the new house is cat proof – tuck away anything that could get it caught, tangled up (electrical cables, for example), and plug up escape routes.
Keep your cat in a quiet room for the first few days and gradually re-establish your routine.
Keep checking the blog for more moving tips from Man and Vans.