Man and Van Westminster recently found out about a rather unfortunate soul who made the mistake of parking in the wrong place, at the very wrong time. It started off as a fairly normal day for Michael Raphel, taking his friends to the train station to make sure that they would get there on time. Now being a bit cheeky he decided to park up on a double yellow line, a bit cheeky, but even if he was caught he thought the worse to happen would be a fine.
Unfortunately for him it turned out to be the day before Remembrance Day, and where he parked was only a quarter of a mile away from the home of a certain person by the name of Gordon Brown. When Mr Raphel came back from the train station he couldn’t quite believe it but there were policemen surrounding his car and the doors and boot had been blown out.
As it turned out his car had been reported as suspicious, he’d been caught running away from his car on CCTV (to make it to the train station on time) and because of the location of it police believed it might have been a bomb of some sort! He was parked in Westminster and due to the sensitivity of the area, couple with there being a parade planned in that area for the next day the police had decided to take no risks in getting rid of the ‘threat’.
Goes without saying that Man and Van Westminster would never try and cheekily park up in illegal spaces during a job, and poor Mr blah blahs experience could make those thinking of taking the risk think twice.
Man and Vans is London’s original light removals and man and van service. To contact us either email or call 0845 170 0660