Man and Vans read and article recently written by Jackie May. She’s the feature editor of the South African Times Live. The article explained how on top of her own anxieties about moving to Perth, she felt she had the added burden of feeling sad for the couple her family are buying from, who were downsizing after their children had left home. May spoke of how she was reluctant to go into her new home when the couple were still living there, as she felt she was changing a part of their history, making plans to renovate and rearrange the house, and erasing memories they had made.
Here at Man and Van Chiswick, we know better than most how difficult a move can be, and it’s our job to make everything go as smoothly as possible for you. If you’re looking to ease the pressure, or would like to share any of your own worries or concerns about uprooting and moving sticks with our other readers, please do get in touch, and one of the Man and Van Chiswick team will be on hand to help.