Man and Van Chiswick's quick easy meal for your move day

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMan and Van Chiswick understands better than most that the move day will be your most hectic for the calendar year. The organisation that goes into it can be quite stressful for people, you just wish you could blink and be transported to the future where you see yourself seated in your new lounge room sipping a well earned tea (or beer).

Now, I’m sure when  settled in the new home you’re one of the world’s great chefs, regularly whipping up michelin worthy type dishes but, on the move day or week? I’m sure even  Gordon Ramsay would bite his tongue if all that was served up was beans on toast.

So, Man and Van Chiswick would like to offer up a quick meal idea: Greek style Souvlaki’s!

Head to your local supermarket and pick up some diced lamb, tomato, onion, wraps, iceberg lettuce, garlic sauce  and you are half way there. For preparation all is need is to dice the tomato, lettuce and onion, marinate the lamb with anything that tickles your taste buds. Get the pan piping hot and chuck on the lamb, while that is on the fry lather your wrap in garlic sauce and put on the extras. Once the lamb is cooked through place it as the last ingredient on the wrap and γίνεται! (greek for done) in less than 15 minutes. Pour yourself a tasty beverage and you will think you have stepped out onto the streets of Santorini for dinner. Man and Van Chiswick hope this helpful move day tip makes it’s way into your new kitchen this summer.

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