Man and Van London heard Lambeth is Angry

As many of you know, Man and Van London is proud to be based in South London- it’s cool, it’s hip, and The Bill is filmed down the road from us. Need we say more?

Even though we like to rave about the place we call home, apparently one of the south London boroughs isn’t so happy; indeed, a report has recently been released in the Telegraph claiming that those who live in Lambeth are so angry that the British Association of Anger Management Association is doing a lot more to promote courses in dealing with stress- related problems, which could affect home and work life. BAAM director Mike Fischer is ready to being dealing with our inability, as a nation, to handle stress and anger before these feeling escalate; in Lambeth, the study showed that crime and road rage are two of the catalysts for these emotions.

Are you a loyal Lambeth resident who is outraged by this allegation, and are keen to defend the borough you love? Or maybe living in this angry place has in fact made you angrier, and now you know you’re not the only one? Are you keen to move to another borough, or are indeed planning on relocating to Lambeth? Whatever your views, comments or questions, give Man and Van London a call; one of our team is always on hand to offer a sympathetic ear.

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