Here at Man and Van North London, we often hear our drivers competing about who is the strongest driver. In fact, we hear it so much, there’s talk of a strongest man (and van) competition!
Man and Van North Lonodon have thought for a while that our wonderful, stunning, efficient removal men maybe deserve a little more exposure (not in that way, thanks). They work so hard all day, lifting, lugging and carefully carrying your precious wares, and thus have some serious guns on them.
That’s right ladies and gents, we’re thinking (they haven’t quite approved this yet, but we’re sure they’ll come round to the idea) of holding our very own Man and Van North London strong man competition some time in the New Year. We’re thinking of making a whole day of it; music, bouncy castle, balloon sculpting, and for the children, a whole host of exciting toys to play with, and maybe even much coveted rides in the removals vans. When asked of his opinion of this idea, logistics manager Roman said “Well, I’d better get going on the heavy lifting, the other boys have a definite advantage.
The phone truly is not as heavy as most furniture”. Wise words indeed, Roman. We’ll keep you posted on the progress of our strong Man and Van competition- in the mean time, any offers for training buddies? Or of course water bottle/towel holders…