Man and Van Richmond has done it. Have you?

Here at Man and Van Richmond, we love a good clear-out as much as the next person. You’ll be surprised at what a difference it can make.

So, the time has come. You have to move. In your head, you know the items that will be making the journey. For example: the fridge, beds, sofa’s, clothes and other assorted essentials. But what about that extra wardrobe of clothes, that room which has only been visited three times in the past few months and is more of an indoor waste refuse than a fourth bedroom.  What about the bike you purchased two summers ago when your ride to work idea was fresh, has that seen any pavement lately?

Everyone wants to save money when moving home, why not try and make some. There is the traditional method of a good old fashioned “Garage sale”. However, if you don’t wish to sit there all day watching punters go through your belongings, why not try one of the many auction sites online. Sites like eBay or Gumtree are visited by millions each day. You may think that ‘Back to the Future 2’ VHS copy is worthless, but let me tell you there will be someone in the world who has been searching for that copy for months. If your not sure about selling unwanted items, then you could try somthing like freecycle. A site where people post unwanted goods for free, providing they can be collected. Man and Van Richmond could even help with the delivery.

If the effort of taking photos of everything and putting them up for auction is not something you can be bothered with, why not bag up all the items and send them off to your local charity shop. Man and Van Richmond will even take them down there on the day of the move for you. That way your free of the clutter when moving and feel good in the fact that you have done some good for the community.

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