Man and Van South London looks at the future of Burgess Park in Camberwell

Camberwell is a place Man and Van South London knows well, given we cover all parts of London and have drivers living in the area.

Burgess Park, situated between Camberwell and Walworth, is due to undergo a huge redevelopment, at the cost of £6 million. A competition for designing the new park was recently launched for budding designers to show off their talent, which attracted over a hundred entries. Man and a Van South London is watching carefully

The winner was announced last month, following public consultation(at the time of writing they were still unknown). An excellent idea we think, as all too rarely locals are consulted on changes being made to their immediate vicinity. The revamp, which will not only see general improvements to the grass and path areas, promised more cultural events for locals to attend, but also incorporates a lakeside amphitheatre and several outdoor gyms. With plans to complete the park’s “facelift” prior to the 2012 Olympics, people from both areas will be able to enjoy their new space very soon.

Man and Van know that with all these great plans for the area, it’s likely to attract more property owners, particularly those with children who’ll be able to appreciate all the park has to offer at its fullest. If you’re thinking of moving to or from Camberwell, do give us a call, we’ll discuss your requirements and give you a quote. It really is that simple! We look forward to hearing from you.

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