Man and Van Wembley feel it is important to share useful information through the medium of our blog. And here’s another important problem Man and Vans keep coming across that’s worth considering when planning to move.
If you are buying your first property, or any property for that matter, there are a few things to consider. Are you completing on the day you intend to move? If so, there’s a very good chance that your money for he purchase will only be transferred sometime between midday and say 2pm, providing there are no problems, which can cause delays.
In turn, this means that you will only receive keys to your new home once the money has changed hands. Therefore, access to the property for your removal company to unload is only granted once keys are released.
Now, you might be thinking that this all makes perfect sense, but you’d be surprised how many people overlook this detail when moving. Man and Van Wembley has before turned up to move someone bright and early at 8am, as we like to do, only to find that we’re all loaded and ready to leave by about 10am, which was great, but sadly, our customer only received keys to their new property at 3pm. So, there was almost five hours of us sitting around waiting to be able to unload. Given our customer was paying by the hour, this meant a considerable increase in the cost of the move.
Man and Van Wembley suggests getting all your ducks in a row before your move day. So, you don’t encounter such unexpected additional expenses as these. Don’t be afraid to ask your estate agents or solicitors about any time restrictions that may be involved with your move day!