Man with a Van Merton brings you yet more useful ideas for that big move

Dogs can prove a particular challenge in the move process for Man with a Van Merton, since they are by nature territorial. Try to keep your dog’s usual routine as normal as possible leading up to the move. Make sure your dog has a tag with an address or telephone number, or is chipped for identification. Try to find out about good walking places in advance so that you can get your dog into a new routine as quickly as possible. If your dog is not a good traveller, take it for a few trips in the car before the big day, and of course make sure your pet is behind a guard or in a crate during the move.

During the move itself keep your dog in one room while all the furniture and belongings are taken out of the house. If your dog suffers from travel sickness do not feed it for 12 hours before travelling. Buy a new chew toy to give to your dog once you arrive. Put it’s toys and familiar items like bed, blankets and so on in one room until all your belongings have arrived. Do ensure your immediate surroundings, such as the garden, are secure to prevent escape. It is also a good idea to introduce your dog to your neighbours, postman and any other regular callers as soon as you can.

Man with a Van Merton has encountered these issues before, so we hope you will benefit from our experience when it comes to taking your dog to its new place.

Dogs can be especially affected and even scared during a move and Man with a Van Merton can help you keep them calm and happy.


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