How to Pack Your Belongings before Moving


We’ve all been there: packing up our possessions before moving can be quite a hassle. You have to take into consideration aspects such as the amount, breakability and weight of the items you want to pack. Thereafter, you need to then select the most suitable packaging to ensure that everything stays intact.

This may seem like the hardest task of them all, but in all honesty, the trials begin when you start packing. To help you put everything away safe and secure, here are a few tips on how to pack your belongings.

Take inventory

Before choosing packaging, you should take inventory of your belongings. While doing so, make note of each item’s brittleness. If you still have the user manuals, you can read them to find out specific details on care. Some belongings may need to be positioned in a certain way so as not to leak, crack or malfunction.

Sort everything

The next step is to sort your belongings according to size and brittleness. Larger items may need to be packed on their own, seeing as it might be impossible to fit extra contents. The same can also be said about fragile belongings which, when packed together, might crash against each other. However, this doesn’t have to be the case all the time, especially with smaller utensils that could use up one box when put together to save space.

Time to pack

Once you’ve allocated a box for every item, it’s time to wrap everything up. Before placing items in boxes, use Styrofoam or bubble wrap to protect individual items. This will ensure that they don’t move around and damage during the relocation phase. If you don’t have bubble wrap, you can also use newspaper. However, items like crystal glass, china and mirrors may need the former, or at least Styrofoam.

Depending on the size and delicateness, cut enough wrapping to completely cover it once or twice over and under. If you’re unsure, let professionals handle it for you. Thereafter, use tape to seal the wrapping. Don’t seal it too tight, as the pressure might also cause the item to shatter.

Lastly, carefully place each item into its allocated box. Don’t jam pack items into one package, as this may break the box and damage the goods. Place items neatly into the containers so that you not only keep them secure but also have an easy time getting them out when you’re unpacking. When you’re done neatly stowing away each belonging, tape the box closed, making sure the tape crosses the centre of the box.

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