Man and Van Lewisham takes health and safety seriously

Yes, Man and Van Lewisham teams are trained in all aspects of removals, but the moving and handling part of it is something none of us can afford to take risks with. As customers of ours, we recommend taking a few key precautions in the removal process, to minimise the risk of injury for everyone.

For anything you are moving yourself, even if that is simply moving boxes from one room to another, make sure that there is a good grip on the load.

Ensure that the load itself and any handles are not slippery. Be sure that the area around the job in hand is clear of obstacles. Have all your doors open and that there is nothing on the floor that could trip someone or make them slip.

Use mechanical equipment where possible: for example, you could load a shopping trolley with bags rather than carry them.

Reduce the amount that needs to be handled, or split it into smaller pieces. A

great example is books; putting books in a large box is a mistake, because of their sheer weight.

Don’t rush! Take your time and have breaks to ensure that the muscles have time to recover. Stopping for coffee and biscuits is a good way to alleviate the boredom factor, too.

Finally, get someone to help from Man and Vans

And remember, if you’re unsure of how to play it safe, you can always ask Man and Van Lewisham for advice. Give us a call on 0330 123 0662 or drop us an email to

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