Spring Clean with Man and Van Merton

Man and Van Merton can help with your spring cleanMan and Van Merton are strong believers in our annual spring clean! It’s a great opportunity to de-clutter and make space for bigger and better things.

Moving house is the perfect opportunity to get rid of some of the stuff you really don’t need in your life any longer; things you’ve been hoarding away for years, in hope that one day, your children will want them/you’ll find an obscure use for them/you’ll retire and want to make your own bread again. To this we say nay, and yes to spring cleaning- it also means you’ll have less stuff to move, and thus will take a shorter time to get it from A to B. So, if you’re looking for places to take some specific items, then Man and Van Merton can help with finding a new home for them:

Clothes and shoes that haven’t been worn in a while: Your local clothes bank is always looking for items to send abroad to those who’ll really appreciate them.

Old books: Amazon is a great place to sell things you no longer read- and your beloved treasures will get a new home where they’ll be just as loved a second time around!

Lecture notes from University: Although sentimental, when will you really ever read them ever again? Maybe keep a few to remind you of what you once learnt, and the rest can go into your recycling bin.

If you have any other clearing out tips for our Man and Van Merton clients/blog readers, please do get in touch and share your invaluable advice.

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