Here at Man and Van Balham we don’t only offer great packing, transport, and moving service, but also a safe and secure storage option. This idea is, as the summer period quickly approach you can take advantage of our storage to not only clean out your home, but safely and securely store your winter belongings until they are needed again. Move your ski’s and Christmas decorations from under your bed or hidden in the cupboard and create yourself some space by getting Man and Van Balham involved.
First, make sure you have all your items properly packed up so they are ready for storage when the Man and Van Balham team arrives. There are a number storage options available, plus if you take a look at our website and the many storage boxes and accessories we offer you are sure to find something suitable. Next what you will need to do is make sure that you organize and lable each box carefully, so if you ever need to access your belongings you know where to start. This will help ensure that when it’s time to take them out you can easily find everything you are looking for.
Man and Vans storage facility is also ideal for storing your seasonal clothes. Pack up your summer clothes and send them away as they are only collecting dust and taking up space in your home.
So Man and Van Balham says, break down the clutter in time for the summer. Enjoy the Sun!