Treasure in the Attic | Finding £5000 in Balham

Man and Van BalhamThis week, Man and Van have been discussing the best things we have found in our own, or somebody else’s attics. It is surprising how interesting, rummaging through forgotten belongings can be. That is why; we want to take this opportunity to ask what others have found.

The whole idea stemmed from a couple we were moving in Balham who found themselves £5000 richer while moving house – the lady had forgotten that she had hidden away that much cash in a drawer. Needless to say they were happy to pay our asking price

There are three ways to store stuff in a home, the techniques of storing vary drastically depending on the kind of person you are. The discreet and passionate method, whereby items are hidden away in boxes or on shelves; the general hoarding system, whereby you can’t see the floor; or those who are infuriatingly organised and tidy, who most people envy for being soullessly immaculate.

Despite my categorizations, the majority of us are excited by the prospect of searching through attics, cellars or car garages, especially if it’s our ancestors. Perhaps this desire sprouted from reality TV shows, such as Cash in the Attic and Antiques Roadshow, influencing the public to rummage through potential treasures. The majority of us love to consider ourselves treasure seekers, in search of the potential fortunes, historical memorabilia or bizarre.

Totally Top 10 listed the Top 10 Bizarre Things Found in Grandma’s Attic, revealing a priceless collection of history.  The collection includes a WWII Grenade, a $70 Million Qing Dynasty Vase and the Knight Rider Car, a true indication, to why it’s worth raiding through the old storage. Please do leave a comment of any interesting finds you have had, and if you haven’t snooped around yet, you really ought to.

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